Fruit of the Spirit

During the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the churches where I preached went into a shutdown phase, and I delivered devotionals to the congregation in the form of newsletters mailed out every week.

In addition to the newsletters, I also extended the devotional into a longer sermon, and added some Scripture readings and (with the help of my wife and her lovely voice) some hymns. We referred to these videos as "Church at Home" videos. Once I realized the quarantine was going to last through the entire series on "The Fruit of the Spirit," I decided it made sense to post all of those sermons here.

On each sermon page you will find the sermon transcript plus an embedded "Church at Home" video.

The Crown of all the virtues, and the first of all the fruits
Levi's dinner party, from Luke 5
Becoming a peacemaker, living in peace with others
Living in patience with one another
Living in patience with our circumstances
Gentle kindness toward others
The rightness of a heart lived in the spirit
Hosea gives us a metaphor for God's faithfulness to us
The Triumphal Entry and the temple cleansing teach us about meekness
The final fruit listed in Galatians 5
Paul's concluding comment on the list of fruits
Living in the Spirit and Walking in the Spirit
Understanding the difference between a flesh and spirit life.


On this page you will find links to sermons that have been requested in written form, as well as transcripts of seminars taught at various conferences over the years.


Most of the content on this site is found in our Illustrations blog. This blog contains shorter articles which provide helpful object lessons for teaching scripture passages.

Our Library

The library is our blog in which we suggest resources that we have found valuable in ministry.